How to read Japan in business
- Date : Thursday 6th of November 2014 from 08:00 to 10:30
- Lieu : CCIG, bd du Théâtre 4, Geneva
- Organisation : CCIG in collaboration with the Europe-Japan Dynamics and Vdf Coaching and Cultures
Do you want to know how to kick-start your business with Japan ?
The year 2014 commemorates the 150th anniversary of the beginning of official relations between Switzerland and Japan, 1864 – 2014. The CCIG in collaboration with the Europe-Japan Dynamics and Vdf Coaching and seizing this opportunity to organise a seminar exploring the embedded role of Japanese culture in business.
The intercultural concept needs to be fully understood and implemented in doing business with Japan, as the cultural gap between Switzerland and Japan is unimaginably wide.
“75% of all international ventures do not achieve the expected results due to cultural issues.” KPMG, 2009.
Through a presentation and exercises, you will learn how to go beyond your own mental and cultural programming to work better with your international business partners. The seminar will highlight the essential importance of cultural differences in business, lay out a set of values underlying the Japanese business culture, and guide you towards the right entrance into understanding how to do business with Japan. At the end of the seminar, you will better understand the reasons why Japan looks so unique and why the country appears so complex when seen from the point of view of a European set of values. You will be at ease with “How to read Japan” !