Review of CRS reports was one of the assignment during the CSR course of the University of Geneva.
I have selected NEC, a major company in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry in Japan.
(Note: The information I used for the review is the one posted at the company’s web site in February, 2011.)
NEC has a solid tradition in integrating CSR in its corporate vision. When evaluated against the fifteen benchmarks used at the course work, the report was found to fulfill most of criteria to be transparent and responsible.
Next challenge of CSR for NEC would be to involve stakeholders in its overseas operations. This may neccesitate to include in the stake holders NGOs working on various social values, such as human rights and the environment.
Globalisation of corporate activities inevitably requires CSR professionals to assess how much and in what ways the spirit of CSR is exercised outside the home country. This is a challenge even to those companies with best CSR practice. I would expect too see what new history of CSR would NEC create outside Japan.