西洋人のプロフェッショナル・ウーマンが日本人とのビジネスで成功する七つのコツとは?” 二月三日(節分ですね!)日本時間午後8時より。
Intercultural Training Channel Webinar – Japan – This Wednesday
Wednesday, 3rd February 2016 12 Noon Swiss time(Lunch & Learn), 11AM London time. (60 minutes.)
Please register for this unique opportunity to hear from a Japanese person about Japan tackling the question of Western women succeeding in the challenging environment of Japan.
Click on the link to register; https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8263161205987217922

Do feel free to pass the registration link onto anyone in your circle who may benefit from the show – there is zero cost to participate. I can personally recommend Yoshiko as a witty and knowledgable presenter.
Seven (7) clues for Western professional women in Japan.
- What is essential for Western women professionals in Japan to know?
- What are the rules in Japan?
- What is the Status of Japanese women and the Gender gap in 2016?
- The Fundamental values of the Japanese
- Japanese values in business – How are they different?
- Seven Clues for Western Women Professionals
- Basics = Be yourself
- The Feminine attitude expected in Japan, etc.
Yoshiko Kurisaki is an executive consultant in cross-cultural management, specialised in helping businesses work better together between Europe and Japan. Living in Geneva Switzerland, She is a Japanese national possessing a unique competence drawn from over 10 years business experience in Japan and over 25 years in Europe. Her passion is resolving cultural issues.
Thanks. I hope you can join us.
+44 7540 65 999 5, Intercultural Training Channel Webinar