- Visiting lecturer of The Open University of Japan
- Active member of Hofstede-Insights

- Swiss member of Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research (SIETAR)
- Member of Transcultural Management Society (Japan)
- Alumni member of CSR International Forum, linked with CSR program of the University of Geneva
- Long-lasting member of the Geneva branch of Business and Professional Women International (BPW, an international NGO)
- Supporting member of Global Enhancement of Women’s Executive Leadership (GEWEL)
- Founder and organiser of Atelier 50+, a monthly workshop for women job seekers at age 50 and over
- Representative of Europe for BHN Basic Human Needs Association (BHN), a Japanese NGO, that provides humanitarian projects with ICT expertise
- A Committee member of the International Capacity Building Centre (ICB), a Japanese NGO, that aims at capacity building of those who wish to participate in international meetings and negotiations
Want to talk to Yoshiko? Please contact me from here.